Logo de Papayoux

Frequent asked questions

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Who are we ?

What is it for ?

A fun and secure service that allows you to collect money together to organize joint gifts or group events such as a birthday, a farewell party, a birth or other family event, a weekend with friends, a party, a wedding... or to raise funds for charitable causes.

1 - Create your pot for free and customize it in a few clicks.

2 - Invite your friends by sharing a link to your pot's page.

3 - Let people make their contributions by credit card (in any currency).

4 - Collect the amount of the pot by bank transfer.

For committed and supportive collections (associations, project financing, assistance to people in difficulty), I invite you to discover our second platform: Papayoux-Solidarité

How to Contact Papayoux?

At Papayoux, customer satisfaction is our priority.

For any questions, complaints, suggestions: Contact us, we will respond quickly.

Telephone: Papayoux will never invite you to call an overcharged phone number like 08 or 09.

Why Papayoux?

Papayoux embodies a group of cool little pigs inspired by piggy banks, faithful companions of your browsing and the happy events you organize.

You are participating in a pot as a guest

Is it necessary to create an account to participate in a pot?

No, this formality is not necessary. From the page describing the pot, simply click on I PARTICIPATE.

Are the amounts limited?

Each individual contribution to a pot must be between €1 and €3,000, however, the total amount collected is not limited.

Is it possible to pay with international bank cards?

Yes, with most international credit cards (including many currencies such as USA, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, China, Japan...)

Are the amounts of contributions visible to other guests?

No, the amounts are hidden by default from everyone, except for the organizer of the pot who has more rights.

How to address a message to the beneficiary?

At the time of your contribution, you have the option to leave a message addressed to the beneficiary which will appear on the card to offer. In addition, you can also leave a small bubble message that will appear when the mouse is over the character.

How can the messages related to a contribution be modified?

Messages can be modified by clicking on Manage my participation in your confirmation email.

How to obtain an Invoice?

To obtain an invoice or receipt for your contribution, please click on Manage my participation in the confirmation email and download the document.

You are an organizer / creator of a fund

When signing up, what should you choose between an individual and a legal entity?

By default, your registration is as an individual. Please check "Legal Entity" only if you wish to collect your fund on the bank account of your association, company, foundation, etc., of which you are the legal representative. In this latter case, it will no longer be possible to transfer the funds to your personal bank account.

What are the different levels of visibility of a fund?

A public fund aims for a wide audience knowing that it appears on the Papayoux site and is indexed by Google, Bing, and other search engines.

A Consultable fund is not indexed by search engines but makes the fund identifiable via a keyword on the Papayoux site (useful for example to find a wedding fund).

A private fund is accessible only when you have the link.

How to increase the attractiveness of the fund?

By adding an illustration and enriching its content with an attractive description, an appealing formalism (layout, color, font size...), which will generate interest among visitors.

What happens at the expiration of the fund?

The end date of the fund does not trigger the immediate closure of the fund to accommodate latecomers. To disable contributions, click on Close my fund.

Who bears the service fees?

By default, the fees are automatically deducted from the contribution. Example: A contributor who gives 20€ actually contributes 19,42€ net to the fund.

To collect round amounts, please activate the option Service fees paid by the contributor which will result in them bearing the fees. Example: a contributor who wishes to contribute 20€ net will spend 20,59€.

How to hide the amount of the fund?

By activating the option Hide the amount of the fund during the creation / modification of a fund. Note, if you are the organizer and you are logged in, it is normal for the amount to be visible.

How to make the fund contributors anonymous?

By activating the option Anonymize contributors during the creation or modification of a fund. Note, if you are logged into your Papayoux account, contributors will be visible.

How to send out invitations?

Manually: Please retrieve the address of the fund directly in order to share it via email/social networks.

Automatically: Please click on Manage my guests, paste the emails of your guests, personalize the message and let Papayoux send your invitations. This will save you time and allow you to follow up with guests who have not yet responded.

How to remind participants?

By clicking on Manage guests, you have the option to send an invitation message to latecomers in a group (only works if you sent invitations automatically).

How to obtain the available cash balance?

By going to My balance. You will also have access to all transactions made on your Papayoux account.

How to enter bank details?

By going to My Account / My bank details. For any addition of a new IBAN, a copy of your bank identity statement or equivalent document will be requested (account statement, checkbook...). It must be clearly readable and include:

- The bank's logo
- Your name and surname (or the name of the legal entity you represent)
- The IBAN number

The name on the bank document must be consistent with your Papayoux account, be aware of married/birth names. Joint accounts are accepted.

Adding an IBAN does not trigger the transfer order (see how to retrieve the money).

How to retrieve the money?

By going to your fund's page and clicking on "Break my piggy bank", you can:

- Either make a transfer to a European bank account (SEPA zone) of which you are the holder. For accounts outside the SEPA zone, please contact us.

- Or spend this fund with our partner Ethi'Kdo., which allows you to recover 100% of your fund. Indeed, the service fees are offered.

Follow the progress of this process by going to My funds

How long does a bank transfer take?

The time frame for a bank transfer is 3 working days. This period will be extended to 4 working days if you add a new bank account to your Papayoux space at the same time as you make the transfer (1 day for the authentication of the bank document and 3 days for the transfer).

To which countries can a bank transfer be made?

Free of charge to all accounts in the SEPA zone (Euro-zone + UK + Switzerland...).

Transfers to certain countries outside the SEPA zone are possible but international transfer fees will apply. Please contact us in advance.

Can multiple transfers be made?

Yes, it is possible to make partial transfers at different times without waiting for the fund to end.

How to have a verified profile ?

You need to have a verified profile to make bank transfer, so you will be invited to provide a copy of the documents indicated below:

For individuals:

A single piece of valid identification chosen from among these documents:

- Identity card (double-sided)

- Passport

- Biometric Driver's License (double-sided)

- Residence card

For other Legal Entities, please contact us.

To send us these supporting documents, please visit the My Documents page. The processing of these documents takes from a few seconds to 24 business hours.

Be aware that this formality is imposed by regulations and that all actors in our sector are subject to it.

If you encounter any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your understanding.

How to thank the participants?

Please click on Thank the participants which will allow you to send thank-you messages to all contributors in a grouped way.

How to retrieve the summary of contributors?

You can download the list of contributors by clicking on Export donors or on Print the Map which will allow you to view the contributors and their messages.

Finally, how does it cost ?

Create a Money Pot: Free

Bank transfer: Free in the SEPA zone (European Union, Switzerland, UK, Norway, Iceland)

Participation in a pot: Service fee of 1.9% + 30 cents on each contribution in € but also in foreign currencies (150 eligible countries). (On average, it’s the price of a stamp, so it helps us cover our bank fees).

Depending on the option chosen, these fees are either borne by the organizer or by contributors.

Free and unlimited transfers (in the European SEPA zone)
No creation fee
No collection limit
International payments included

Is the money safe?

Yes, the Papayoux fund service uses the payment and control service managed by LEMON WAY, registered at the RCS under the number 500 486 915 and approved by the Prudential Control Authority under number 16568J.

The money is kept in an escrow account that can only be used to send money to the beneficiaries / users' accounts.

For more information regarding security

You have not received your transfer

- Make sure that the period indicated in your confirmation email has really elapsed (The period is understood in working days).

- Did you properly carry out the transfer by confirming with your password? (A simple addition of an IBAN does not trigger the transfer).

- In other cases, please contact Support.

Who is our Ethikdo partner?

Convert your fund, without fees, into Ethi'kdo vouchers, so for €100 collected, receive €100 in vouchers!

The ethi'Kdo card, the first ecological and solidarity gift card, allows its beneficiary:

- To have access to more than 2 million eco-responsible products available online,

- To discover eco-responsible approaches near them with more than a hundred ethical shops in France,

- To start eco-actions to limit their daily footprint,

- To make a donation to support ecological and solidarity projects

Learn more...

How does the ticketing service work?

The ticketing service is a form of fund that allows you to organize ticket sales (theatre, parties, seminars, and other events) where you can set a quantity of tickets to sell, one or more dates, one or more prices. When creating your fund, just select the "Ticketing" category.

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Frequent asked questions